Location: Lyon (France)
Year: 2014
Collaborators: David-Alexandre CHANEL, David GUERRA, Jonathan RICHER
Tags: art installation
Noisy Skeleton is an interactive immersive installation exploring the links between sound, space and artificial intelligence. From complete control to accidental reaction, the spectator is completely surrounded by abstracts visuals and digital soundscape echoed back by the machine. Establishing a real man/machine dialogue, the minimalistic aesthetic and vibrations create a both virtual and physical experience, allowing the user to feel the most subtle variations of sound and space.

This is a live a/v performance-installation project that uses surveillance equipment to stream audio and video feeds from the performance environment. Live footage is gathered from microphones and surveillance camera's around the space. The footage undergoes some processing and is simultaneously fed-back through loudspeakers and screens. The work depends heavily on the acoustic, light and movement properties of the environment to shape its composition. For example, sounds from people, or room room resonances become amplified, effected and are carried back to their sources. Upon awareness, the sources may behave differently. The works perception depends on the environment in which it is set up. This is where the performance aspect comes in. The performer guides the work through its interplay with the environment by adjusting the sound and video processing parameters.
Location: Montreal (Canada)
Year: 2018
Collaborators: T.Gowdy
Tags: art installation, AV performance

Ozone is an interactive multimedia installation that explores the concept of tension, both in the physical world and the metaphorical world. It physically stands on a flexible fabric, stretched in space. The visual and sound, generated in real time by the interactor, presents a grandiose universe reminiscent of cosmos. Through this haptic and audiovisual experience, the observer transgresses the limits of his traditional contemplative role in taking control of abstract forces that affect the sense of hearing and sight, but also concrete strength, testing the limits of a flexible physical medium. This combination opens up unlimited possibilities.
Conception visuelle / Transformation en temps réel : TouchDesigner
Hugo Daoust
Hugo Laliberté
Hélène Coupé
Synthèse sonore : Max/MSP
Louis-Simon Beaubien-Carli
Olivier Bouchard
Détection : Kinect + Processing
Jonathan Jeanson
Hugo Laliberté
Produit à l'Université du Québec à Montréal
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