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Ozone is an interactive multimedia installation that explores the concept of tension, both in the physical world and the metaphorical world. It physically stands on a flexible fabric, stretched in space. The visual and sound, generated in real time by the interactor, presents a grandiose universe reminiscent of cosmos. Through this haptic and audiovisual experience, the observer transgresses the limits of his traditional contemplative role in taking control of abstract forces that affect the sense of hearing and sight, but also concrete strength, testing the limits of a flexible physical medium. This combination opens up unlimited possibilities. 

Conception visuelle / Transformation en temps réel : TouchDesigner
Hugo Daoust
Hugo Laliberté
Hélène Coupé

Synthèse sonore : Max/MSP
Louis-Simon Beaubien-Carli
Olivier Bouchard

Détection : Kinect + Processing
Jonathan Jeanson
Hugo Laliberté

Produit à l'Université du Québec à Montréal
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